Local Rules - Lindrick GC
1. Out of Bounds
A ball is out of bounds:
a) Beyond any fence, hedge or wall bounding the course.
b) On or over the A57 main road.
c) On or over the white line around the stream at the back of the 4th green when playing the 4th hole only.
d) On or over the road on the left of the 14th hole and 15th tee.
e) Areas inside the tunnels defined by a white line directly below the boundary fence.
f) In the car park or on the paved area of the clubhouse terrace.
2. Walls, roads tracks and paths
a) All walls are integral parts of the course and there is no free relief available.
b) All artificially surfaced roads, tracks and paths are immovable obstructions and relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1.
3. Penalty areas
a) The ditch between the 1st and 18th holes is a red penalty area.
b) The stream in front of the 5th tee is a red penalty area when playing the 5th hole only.
4. Obstructions
All blue and yellow posts marking bridleways / footpaths, yardage markers and signposts are immovable obstructions. Relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1.
5. Immovable obstructions close to the putting green
Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction close to the putting green may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1 The player may also take relief in accordance with Rule 16.1b if the immovable obstruction is on the line of play AND is:
- within two club lengths of the putting green, and
- within two club lengths of the ball.
Exception: no relief is permitted under this local rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
6. Temporary green on 4th hole
The temporary green on the 4th hole is a wrong green and relief MUST be taken under Rule 13.1.
7. No Play Zone
The area marked as GUR to the right of the 17th green is a No Play Zone. Relief must be taken under Rule 16.1. The additional relief option of a drop zone is available.